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워드프레스 부동산 물건 관리 플러그인

WP-Property – WordPress Powered Real Estate and Property Management

부동산 물건관리 플러그인/ 부동산 관리 플러그인

부동산관련 테마가 있기는 하지만 해외테마이고 모두번역을 해야하기 때문에

오히려 예쁜테마에 플러그인만 설치하고 번역하는것이 비용이 더 적게 들겠습니다.



Common Shortcodes

We have setup a “Shortcode Cheatsheet” page for your convenience.

Include search form into page/post content.
?[property_search] Include search widget on content of a page or a post.
?[property_search searchable_attributes=bedrooms,bathrooms searchable_property_types=single_family_home per_page=10] Show search options for bedrooms and bathrooms; return only Single Family Homes, and show 10 results per page.

Shortcodes are used to display listings. Simply put a shortcode into the body of a post or page, and a list of properties will be displayed in its place on the front-end of your website.
?[property_overview pagination=on] Show all properties and enable pagination.
?[property_overview sorter=on] Will list all properties with sorting.
?[property_overview per_page=5] Show 5 properties on a page (10 properties is the default). If you use this shortcode – you don’t need to use ‘pagination=on’.
?[property_overview for_sale=true] or [property_overview type=building] ?[property_overview bathrooms=1,3 bedrooms=2-4] Use “,” for setting specific values of attributes and “-” for ranges.
?[property_overview sorter=on sort_by=price sort_order=DESC pagination=on] Will list all properties sorted by price in DESC order (attribute “Price” should be checked as sorted in Properties->Settings->Developer page ) and paginate.

Usage of custom attributes added in the Developer tab for queries, example:
?[property_overview house_color=blue,green] List all blue and green properties.
?[property_overview type=single_family_home year_built=1995-2010] List all single family homes built between 1995 and 2010.
?[property_overview type=apartment pets_allowed=yes] All apartments where “Pets Allowed” attribute is set to “yes”.
?[property_overview template=detailed-overview] will load property-overview-detailed-overview.php from your theme folder.

New features
?New shortcode: [property_attribute] to pull a single attribute without using PHP. Example: [property_attribute attribute=bedrooms] will return the number of bedrooms for current property. [property_attribute property_id=4 attribute=bathrooms] will return the number of bathrooms for property with ID of 5.
?New shortcode: [property_map] to pull a single attribute without using PHP. Example: [property_map width=”100%” height=”100px” zoom_level=11 property_id=5]. Leave property_id blank to get map for currently displayed property.
?Two different sorter styles available, buttons and dropdown.
?”Sort by:” text can be customized in [property_overview] shortcode using the sort_by_text argument.

More features
?Add predefined values for any attribute in Admin Tab that will create a dropdown input field on the property editing page.
?Pagination back-button support.
?Slovakian translation.
?Search form shortcode.
?Pagination and sorting works on search results
?Major improvements to search widget and search function
?Property result pagination via AJAX
?Property queries by custom attributes
?Localized Google Maps
?Translations into Italian, Portuguese and Russian.
?Customizable templates for different property types.
?Fields such as price, bathrooms, bedrooms, features, address, work out of the box.
?SEO friendly URLs generated for every property, following the WordPress format.
?Customizable widgets: Featured Properties, Property Search, Property Gallery, and Child Properties.
?Google Maps API to automatically validate physical addresses behind-the-scenes.
?Integrates with Media Library, avoiding the need for additional third-party Gallery plugins.
?Advanced image type configuration using UI.
?Out of the box support for two property types, Building and Floorplan. More can be added via WP-Property API.
?Property types follow a hierarchical format, having the ability of inheriting settings – i.e. buildings (or communities) will automatically calculate the price range of all floor-plans below them.

Premium features

Learn more about the WP-Property Premium Features.
?Supermap – an overview map of all your listings.
?Slideshow – home page slideshow and property specific slideshow.
?Agent Module – Create agents and assign them to properties. Create agent-specific listing pages by using [property_overview wpp_agents=1] where 1 is the agent ID.
?PDF Flyer – Instantly generate PDF flyers of your properties for printing.
?XML Import – Map XML files to your WPP attributes, setup schedules, and import third-party listings.
?Power Tools with Capability Management Price – Extra functionality which includes capability management, white labeling the control panel, and changes menu titles.

?English (UK)
?French (FR)
?Danish (DK)
?German (DE)
?Italian (IT)
?Portuguese (BR)
?Russian (RU)
?Spanish (ES)
?Hungarian (HU)
?Slovakian (SK)
?Turkish (TR)

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